SOGO Thankful Weeks
su:m37° is offering various exclusive promotional sets at SOGO Thankful Weeks, making it easy for you to acquire the naturally fermented skincare products. Visit the su:m37° counter at SOGO Causeway Bay and embark on a healing skincare journey with Suzy!
Langham Beauty Fest
su:m37° is launching a range of popular sets at the Langham Beauty Fest. Do not miss out the surprise discounts and gifts with purchase! Visit the Langham Beauty su:m37° counter and experience the secrets of nature for vibrant skin together.
Nov Shopping Privileges
Check out su:m37°’s latest shopping offers and must-have skincare for moisturizing and protecting delicate skin in autumn!
Limited Edition Set
At a glance of su:m37° limited gift box sets, packaging exquisite noble. Dedicated to friends and family or for your own use, can be pleasing to the eyes.